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Chosen Ministerial Alliance

CMA _ Teaching from Bishop Marvin Sapp .mp4

CMA _ Teaching from Bishop Marvin Sapp .mp4
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CMA _ Teaching from Bishop Marvin Sapp .mp4

CMA _ Teaching from Bishop Marvin Sapp .mp4

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CMA _ The Lifestyle & Rhythm of Prayer .mp4

CMA _ The Lifestyle & Rhythm of Prayer .mp4

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CMA - Sermon Preparation with Pastor Jon Hatcher

CMA - Sermon Preparation with Pastor Jon Hatcher

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Who We Are

We are The Chosen Vessel Church Ministerial Alliance, a group of ministers who have been chosen by God to serve His people. As believers in Christ, we recognize that our purpose is to serve and to spread the good news of the gospel to all who will listen.


In Romans 12:4-5, we find that just as there are many parts to the human body that function in different ways, so too are there many members in the body of Christ, each with their own unique gifts and abilities. It is our responsibility as members of this body to use our gifts to serve the greater good and further the gospel message.


We believe that our ministry must be characterized by uniformity, or a shared sense of purpose and vision. In Philippians 2:2, we are instructed to be like-minded, having the same love and working together in harmony for the sake of the gospel. By working together in this way, we can accomplish far more than we ever could individually.


To that end, we also place great emphasis on being equipped for ministry. 2 Timothy 3:16 reminds us that all scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. By studying and applying scripture, we can be better prepared to serve and minister to those around us.


Finally, we are an outreach-minded ministry. Matthew 28:19 instructs us to go and make disciples of all nations, sharing the love of Christ with everyone we encounter. Whether it is through mission trips, community service projects, or simply sharing the gospel with our neighbors, we are committed to reaching out and making a real difference in the lives of those we encounter.


As members of The Chosen Vessel Church Ministerial Alliance, we believe that we have been chosen by God for a specific purpose. By working together and staying focused on our calling to serve, we can make a real impact on the world around us and bring glory to His name.

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