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Chosen Vessel Everywhere Cyberchurch Membership


About Cyberchurch

Chosen Vessel Everywhere is a worldwide ministry with a threefold purpose.

  1. It provides current members who are absent due to illness, work obligations or out of town the ability to tune in to services live or rebroadcast in order to stay connected to the ministry while they are away.

  2. It allows people who are not in our geographic region, but want to experience the ministry of Chosen Vessel and have the ability to participate in our services. For an even closer connection to the ministry, these people can apply for Cyberchurch Membership which is explained below.

  3. It gives Chosen Vessel global reach to minister to people for Christ. Jesus said, "...Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." (Mark 16:15-16)

Cyberchurch Membership Benefits

  • For those who are not presently members of a church in their area, and/or are not in our geographic region but want to be connected as a member of the Chosen Vessel family, Chosen Vessel Everywhere Cyberchurch membership will provide you a connection that will be as much like physically being here as possible. There is no substitute to being physically present in the company of other believers, but Chosen Vessel Everywhere membership is the next best thing.

  • Because of the distance of some of the Cyberchurch members, there are some things we cannot reasonably commit to such as funerals, hospital visits, weddings, etc. However, we will commit to praying for your spiritual, physical, financial, social and emotional needs.

  • We will provide a special email address for you to send any prayer/counseling needs you may have. If requested, we can schedule a phone or video conference to better address your need.

  • Cyberchurch membership will enable you to have your spiritual needs met as you hear and apply the Word of God.

How To Join Cyberchurch

To become a Chosen Vessel Everywhere Cyberchurch member, simply fill out the form below and you'll be connected as a member of the Chosen Vessel family. Chosen Vessel church does believe in the practice of tithing. We believe that if this ministry is a blessing to you then you should sow financial seeds accordingly. If you desire to give your tithes and offerings to support the ministry, we encourage you to do so by simply choosing the "GIVE" link on your screen. However, if you are a part of a local church all of your tithes should go there. You're giving of tithes and/or offerings helps us to continue providing services such as Cyberchurch and other ministry services.

Once you have joined, we will invite you to learn more about our ministry by attending our online new member classes.

How To Watch Cyberchurch

To view services via our Chosen Vessel Everywhere Cyberchurch live stream, simply tune in to one of the following:

  • YouTube at TCV Media or MarvinSapp Channel or

  • Facebook Live at OfficialMarvinSapp



Become A Cyber Member

Thanks for submitting!

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